Posts Tagged ‘ giraffes ’

The Giraffes: September 27, 2014 The Wick – FLAC/MP3/Streaming Songs

September 27, 2015

[Photos courtesy of Todd Zimmer.  See more of his excellent work HERE.]

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, puts on a show like The Giraffes.  It’s like trying to explain a UFO or Bigfoot sighting to someone: they may nod, they might be interested, they could be fascinated by your story, but they have absolutely no clue what it’s all about until they experience it for themselves.  In 2011, lead singer Aaron Lazar decided to depart the band and, going out with an atomic-sized bang, had his last performance with them early that year.  The remaining members, Damien Paris, Andrew Totolos, and Jens Carstensen, soldiered on, mixing things up again by exploring the instrumental side of their oeuvre and recruiting two female vocalists to help flesh things out.

Three and a half years later, the murmurs and rumors of a full reunion concert turned into cold, hard fact.  And, like it was for Aaron’s farewell show, I personally received a landslide of requests to record this night from literally all across the globe.  In their neverending quest to take the performance of live music and evolve it into a contact sport, The Giraffes proved that they haven’t missed a beat.  Picking up where they left off, the crowd was right in step with the band and more than happy and willing to join in the antics that are the hallmarks of a Giraffes concert.  Welcome back, gentlemen.  We’re looking forward to what else the future holds for you.

Due to the sheer size and design of The Wick, the acoustics can present a bit of a challenge.  The venue’s house engineer, Eairon, was up to the task and, other than the occasional ring of feedback, produced an excellent mix.  We hope you like what you hear as much as we did.  Enjoy and PLAY IT LOUD!!

Special thanks to Damien, Drew, Aaron, Jens, and Tim for making this recording possible, and to the management and staff at The Wick for their courtesy and cooperation.

The Giraffes will soon be returning to the NYC area and performing on October 3rd at The Wick, as well as playing a few other dates in October.  Their new album, ‘Usury’, will be released on October 2nd. 

Stream “Medicaid Benefit Appliqué”:

Stream “Sugarbomb”:

Direct download of the complete show in MP3 [HERE]
Direct download of the complete show in FLAC [HERE]

If any of the links are no longer working, email nyctaper with a request for the download location of the files.

Follow Johnny Fried Chicken Boy on Twitter

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense.  The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission.  Please respect our request.

The Giraffes
Saturday, September 27, 2014
The Wick
Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Source: Soundboard + Milab VM-44 Links (cardioid) > Edirol R-44 (WAV @ 24-bit/48kHz)
Lineage: R-44 > PC > Adobe Audition (mixdown, downsample, dither, tracking) > WAV (16-bit/44.1kHz) > TLH (check/fix SBEs, FLAC conversion) > FLAC ( level 8 )
The Wick’s house engineer: Eairon
Recorded and produced by: Johnny Fried Chicken Boy

[Total time: 1:25:32]
01. [intro]
02. Smoke Machine
03. Wage Earner
04. Prime Motivator
05. I’ll Be Your Daddy
06. The Ballad of Sissyfist
07. On Lovers Lane
08. The City
09. Sickness (This Is)
10. The Power of Fatherhood
11. Medicaid Benefit Appliqué
12. [banter]
13. Haunted Heaven
14. Having Fun
15. Clever Girl
16. Man U.
17. Sugarbomb
18. Help My Blood Count
19. Done
20. [outro]

If you download this recording, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT The Giraffes, visit their website and Facebook page, and purchase their official releases and merchandise at Amazon, iTunes, or your favorite record store or retailer.  And most definitely go see their shows.

The Giraffes: February 5, 2011 Mercury Lounge – FLAC/MP3/Streaming Songs

February 14, 2011

[Photos courtesy of Todd Kancar]

I make no secret of my admiration for The Giraffes and have been consistently rewarded by them over the past 5+ years with amazing albums and some of the most incredible performances I’ve ever had the privilege to attend.  When I heard a rumor that this show would be lead singer Aaron Lazar’s last with the Brooklyn-based group and had the information confirmed, I was heartbroken.  And I wasn’t the only one.  As a testament to the popularity of this band (one that has been criminally overlooked by the mainstream), I personally received more requests to tape this night than every other show I’ve recorded combined; a few of them from South America and Europe.  Further fears were put to rest when I was assured that guitarist Damien Paris, drummer Andrew Totolos and bassist Jens Carstensen would continue on with The Giraffes.  Blazing through with nary a break, the gents brought out an impressive setlist that including superlative renditions of “Honey Baby Child”, “Sugarbomb” and the rare “On Lovers Lane”, among other gems.  The enthusiastic crowd, packed to the rafters in the sold-out venue, brought their A-game, too [see Todd Kancar’s photo below].  Riddled with stage divers, crowd surfers, people singing every word to every song and enough flashbulbs going off to induce an epileptic seizure, it wasn’t long before the gallons of alcoholic beverages flying through the air had covered nearly every available surface and person.  As I’ve remarked before, it takes an exceptional set of skills to be able to play under these conditions and, as always, these guys rose to the challenge.  We wish Aaron the best in his future endeavors and eagerly anticipate what Damien, Drew and Jens have in store for us with The Giraffes, v.4.0.

As a compliment to the mics, the always magnificent and accommodating house engineers, Kevin and Dan, supplied me with a feed from the board and were joined by guest engineer extraordinaire, Phil, for this set.  Aside from the bedlam unraveling on stage that resulted in the occasional, unavoidable vocal distortion and clipping from microphones being grabbed, dropped and yelled into by attendees, thanks to their first-rate work we have captured an excellent recording.  Enjoy and PLAY IT LOUD!!

Stream “Million $ Man”:


Stream “The City”:


Download the FLAC/MP3 files and stream this entire show on the Live Music Archive [HERE]

Giraffes 2011-02-05 kancar528

The Giraffes
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Mercury Lounge
New York, NY, USA

Source: SBD + DPA 4021’s > Edirol R-44 (WAV @ 24-bit/48kHz)
Lineage: R-44 (WAV @ 24-bit/48kHz) > USB > PC > Adobe Audition (mixdown, adjust levels, downsample, dither, tracking) > WAV (16-bit/44.1kHz) > Trader’s Little Helper (check/fix SBE’s, FLAC conversion) > FLAC ( level 8 )
Mercury Lounge house engineers: Kevin, Dan
Guest engineer: Phil
Recorded and produced by: Johnny Fried Chicken Boy

[Total time: 1:42:00]
01. Damien’s rant
02. Smoke Machine
03. Million $ Man
04. Prime Motivator
05. Honest Men
06. Honey Baby Child [*]
07. Wage Earner
08. I’ll Be Your Daddy
09. On Lovers Lane
10. The Power Of Fatherhood
11. Medicaid Benefit Appliqué
12. Sugarbomb
13. banter
14. The Border
15. The Ballad Of Sissyfist
16. The City
17. Sickness (This Is)
18. Having Fun
19. Haunted Heaven
20. Clever Girl
21. Man U.
22. Done

* Pierre Michel song

If you download this recording, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT The Giraffes, visit their website, visit their MySpace page, and purchase their official releases and merchandise.

The Giraffes: August 28, 2009 Mercury Lounge – FLAC/MP3 Downloads

September 5, 2009

[Photos courtesy of Todd Kancar]

Johnny reports:
“I’ve intently watched The Giraffes evolve on their albums over the past several years and they just get increasingly better. The same can be said of their live shows and, thankfully, they’ve managed to retain the raw, hungry ferocity that I witnessed the first times I saw them nearly four years ago. It’s no wonder that they convert otherwise mild-mannered citizens into rabid fans after a single concert. Guitarist Damien Paris, drummer Andrew Totolos, bassist Jens Carstensen and lead singer Aaron Lazar cannot be accused of putting on a mundane show. In addition to the brilliant music, it takes some serious talent to proficiently sing, play your instruments and perform interactive vaudeville while being pelted with cups of beer, assorted mystery liquids and a laundry list of other debris including pie filling, Chinese food and Dri-grip. I swear they must practice in their sleep. That being said, I’m still amazed that these guys aren’t huge. Lucky for us they still log quite a few hours in the ‘lil ‘ol Mercury Lounge and bring their unique amalgam of hard rock, punk, surf, Romani folk and progressive melodies to other similarly sized venues. Even at their worst The Giraffes repeatedly remind me of why I make every effort to go see live music. It’s a visceral, tactile experience that the best stereo system in the world will never duplicate. Friday night was no different. Despite the humid, rainy weather, both the group and the attendees were in a great mood and looking for a fun time. Barreling straight through for nearly an hour-and-a-half, the setlist culled songs from almost all of their albums and included three tracks from their yet-to-be-officially-released new album, ‘The Giraffes Ruled’. For a band that always aims to please, the title is quite apropos. The end of the night found all parties drenched in sweat, sticky and covered in lord knows what, but still bearing the same grins that started the evening. At the risk of sounding like a shill, go and buy one or several of their albums. Support a great band. They definitely deserve it and they certainly try very hard to earn it.

In addition to flying mics, I was fortunate enough to get a feed from the soundboard. The most excellent and very accommodating house engineer, Kyle, was kind enough to let me patch in and did an outstanding job mixing the show. In a venue that’s already respected for its fidelity, the sound was just about perfect. Any criticisms you may have about the quality of this recording should be directly solely at me. I’m pretty happy with it and hope you like what you hear as much as we did. Enjoy!”

Check out an excellent interview of The Giraffes done immediately after this show by Stefany Mohebban at The Rock and Roll Report music blog [HERE].

Download the FLAC/MP3 files and stream this entire show on the Live Music Archive [HERE]

The Giraffes
Friday, August 28, 2009
Mercury Lounge
New York, NY, USA

Source: MATRIX: SBD + AKG C 414 B-XLS’s > Edirol R-44 (WAV @ 24-bit/48kHz)
Lineage: R-44 (WAV @ 24-bit/48kHz) > USB > PC > Adobe Audition (mixdown, adjust levels, downsample, dither, tracking) > WAV (16-bit/44.1kHz) > Trader’s Little Helper (check/fix SBE’s, FLAC conversion) > FLAC ( level 8 )
Mercury Lounge house engineer: Kyle Lawrence
Recorded and produced by: Johnny Fried Chicken Boy

[Total time: 1:26:58]
01. Intro
02. The Border
03. Done
04. Prime Motivator
05. Jr. At His Worst
06. Pisda Mati
07. The City
08. The Power Of Fatherhood
09. I’ll Be Your Daddy
10. “Can I get some more freedom in the monitor?”
11. Twin Girls
12. Sickness (This Is)
13. Clever Girl
14. The War
15. Honey Baby Child *
16. “OK, I will drink this but then what do you want to hear?”
17. Having Fun
18. Haunted Heaven
19. “If the drummer doesn’t get up, we keep playing.”
20. Smoke Machine
21. Sugarbomb

* Pierre Michel song

If you download this recording, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT The Giraffes, visit their website, visit their MySpace page, and purchase their official releases from the “stuff” links at their site [HERE].


DISCLAIMER and LEGAL NOTICE is a live music blog that offers a new paradigm of music distribution on the web. The recordings are offered for free on this site as are the music posts, reviews and links to artist sites. All recordings are posted with artist permission or artists with an existing pro-taping policy.

All recordings and original content posted on this site are as live recordings pursuant to 17 U.S.C. Section 106, et. seq. Redistribution of nyctaper recordings without consent of is strictly prohibited. hereby waives all copyright claims to any and all recordings posted on this site to THE PERFORMERS ONLY. If any artist posted on this site requests that recordings be removed, those recordings will be removed forthwith.