Posts Tagged ‘ hardcore ’

Watery Love: September 9, 2016 Three Lobed / WXDU Day Show, Hopscotch Music Festival, King’s (Raleigh, NC)

September 13, 2016


“We’ve arrived at the volume plateau of the day” Three Lobed‘s Cory Rayborn said as he introduced the Philly “supergroup” Watery Love, taking the stage at the annual Three Lobed / WXDU Day Show at King’s during Hopscotch Music Festival. Rayborn wasn’t lying–the band came out of the gate with the loud-as-fuck blast of “Ned’s Dreamcatcher” and didn’t let up from there. As we were streaming the show live on Duke University radio station WXDU, the team handling that end of the business had to work overtime to “bleep” vocalist Richie Charles’ (of Richie Records) dirty words back to PG-13. Indeed, this was dirty, cuss-spitting, fire-breathing, bad-ass scuzz rock and it was not to be stopped, by outdoor sunshine or otherwise. But while any group of yahoos can stand up and make noise, what sets Watery Love, and this particular performance, apart is that these guys hang together so well, playing well and turning all of that energy into something deceptively cohesive.

This was a perfect wake-up call on a day with a very wide palette of artists, and regulars Charles and Max Milgram (guitar) had arrived equipped with extra firepower in the form of Purling Hiss‘ Mike Polizze and Ben Leaphart, together with harplist/multi-instrumentalist Mary Lattimore (possibly the day’s MVP, or at least, the person who played with the most different bands) on bass, drums and keys, respectively. Watery Love has been a band since 2008, but their performances, especially outside of Philly, have been sporadic, and their recorded output is equally limited. Seeing them is a treat, and the energy they expect is equal to the moments they inhabit. There were many very, very fine performances on this day, but this might be the only one that had even the people in the back howling with glee like teenagers. Whatever it is these guys have, make sure you try to catch some of it.

I recorded this set with King’s engineer Brad Womack’s house mix, plus an additional soundboard channel, and Schoeps MK4V microphones onstage. The sound quality is excellent. Enjoy!

Download the complete show: [MP3/FLAC]

Stream the complete show: 

Watery Love
Three Lobed / WXDU Day Show
Raleigh, NC USA

Exclusive download hosted at
Recorded and produced by acidjack

Soundboard (engineer: Brad Womack) + Schoeps MK4V (stage lip, DFC, PAS)>KC5>CMC6>>Zoom F8>3x24bit/48kHz WAV>Adobe Audition CS 5.5 (compression, fades)>Izotope Ozone 5 (EQ, effects)>Audacity 2.0.3 (track, amplify, downsample, dither)>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 Ned’s Dreamcatcher
02 Sweat Powers
03 Die With Dignity
04 A Condom

PLEASE SUPPORT Watery Love: Facebook | Bandcamp

Big Ups: July 16, 2016 Out In the Streets Festival

July 21, 2016


Big Ups is one of the very best live bands in New York right now. At the core of that has to be the kinetic-but-controlled performance of vocalist Joe Galarraga, who reminds at times of a skinny Henry Rollins with a sense of humor. Mugging for the crowd, twisting his body into unusual positions, he never loses sight of the music or the message being delivered, which he propels at you in spoken word that rises at the right moments to scream. Brendan Finn (drums), Amar Lal (guitar) and Carlos Salguero (bass) make that performance possible, with controlled dynamics that pay as much attention to the softer interludes as to their songs’ frequent climaxes. Having seen these guys twice in 2014, promoting their first album Eighteen Hours of Static, and been blown away each time, we were eager to see where they’d gone from there.

The band’s 2016 record, Before A Million Universes, advances the conversation both lyrically and musically. At this performance at the Out In the Streets Festival, the band’s growth was evident in the current-album numbers “Contain Myself,” “Hope for Someone,” and “National Parks,” as well as a new piece that explores the soft/loud dynamic even further. On this sweltering, thunderstorm-pocked afternoon, the band commanded a friendly crowd who clearly knew them well, and made the most of the thirty minutes’ time allotted. The band’s music may be darker in tone, but Galarraga doesn’t let that get in the way of having a laugh with the crowd, or pulling faces that fall on the lighter side of serious. Even with the sun shining, by the time the set reached the band’s most straightforward hardcore number, “Goes Black,” we were all living in his world, and there was nothing else around.

In a crowded festival season, Out In the Streets is a perfect, smaller-scale local standout, with a tent to shield the bands and the music part of the crowd in the middle of Ridgewood’s historic Onderdonk House’s ample backyard, ringed with vendors, lounge chairs and picnic tables, and (not to be underestimated) plenty of bathrooms. The lineup, of course, reflected that ethos, with many of the best local acts (including Big Ups and, coming soon, Guerilla Toss) that Brooklyn fans see year-round at clubs like Shea Stadium and Baby’s All Right. It was one of those days that brought together like-minded people in a comfortable, manageable way — and gave us yet another serious jones for more Big Ups.

nyctaper and I recorded this set with his Neumann TLM-102 large-diaphragm microphones and an excellent house mix by Cliff Ribeiro. The sound quality is excellent. Enjoy!

Download the complete show: [MP3/FLAC]

Stream the full set:

Big Ups
Out In the Streets Festival
Onderdonk House
Queens, NY

Exclusive download hosted at
Recorded by nyctaper and acidjack
Produced by acidjack

Neumann TLM-102 (FOB, DFC, PAS) + Soundboard (engineer: Cliff Ribeiro)>Sound Devices 744T>2x24bit/48kHz WAV>Adobe Audition CS 5.5 (align, mix
down, compression)>Izotope Ozone 5 (light EQ, exciter, image)>Audacity 2.0.5 (track, amplify, balance, downsample)>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 Contain Myself
02 Hope for Someone
03 Not Today
04 Wool
05 [new song]
06 T.M.I.
07 Goes Black
08 National Parks

If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT Big Ups, visit their websitelike them on Facebook and buy Before A Million Universes from Exploding In Sound.

Breakdown: June 20, 2014 St. Vitus – FLAC/MP3/Streaming

June 25, 2014

[Photos by Rich Cuiffo]

We are excited to introduce both a new contributor to the nyctaper site, as well as another outstanding recording of a hardcore show by the band Breakdown from the already-legendary Greenpoint venue St. Vitus. Rich’s recording and review follow below.

Correspondent Rich Cuiffo writes:

Breakdown was formed in Yonkers New York in 1986 and the original lineup stayed together for less than one year. During their brief tenure, they recorded several demos at The Loft Recording Studios in Bronxville, New York. The 1987 Breakdown demo tape, later released as a 7 inch by Noiseville Records, is by far, one of the greatest testimonials of 80’s New York Hardcore. It continues to influence countless bands and is one of the most sought after 7 inches of the genre. In recent years, much to the delight of friends and fans, the original members have begun playing occasional shows focusing on this era. Friday night’s show at St Vitus was classic New York Hardcore. Enjoy!”

Stream “Life of Bullshit”

Download the Complete Show [MP3] | [FLAC]

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

7 inch

Breakdown (Original 87 Demo Lineup)
St. Vitus
Brooklyn, New York

hosted at
Recorded and produced by Rich Cuiffo

Source: Schoeps MK41s > Nbob actives > Tinybox (OT) > Sony PCM-M10
Transfer: wav 24/48 > usb > iMac > Audacity > xAct > FLAC

1) Kickback
2) Life of Bullshit
3) Don’t Give Up
4) You Gotta Fight
5) Labeled
6) All I Ask
7) Your Problems
8) Dissed and Dismissed
9) Vengeance
10) Safe in a Crowd
11) Sick People
12) Pipe Dream

Jeff Perlin – Vocals
Don Angelilli – Guitar
Carl Porcaro – Guitar
Rich McLoughlin – Bass
Anthony Drago – Drums

If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT Breakdown, like them on Facebook, and buy their records.

METZ: April 17, 2013 Bowery Ballroom – FLAC/MP3/Streaming

April 18, 2013

[Photos by acidjack]

METZ lead singer/guitarist Alex Edkins introduced their new song “Can’t Understand” as being about “all the totally messed up people in the world”. They left the spoken statement at that and then let the music do the talking. Over and over, the screamed refrain of those two words over the incessant backbeat and howling guitars framed, in simplest terms, the way people may have been feeling about recent events. Sometimes the best way of expressing anger is the most direct.

Yes, METZ is one of those Canadian bands that gives the lie to the notion that our neighbors to the north are mild-mannered — there is nothing less than 100% full-bore intense about METZ or their delivery. When bassist Chris Slorach was bleeding badly enough that he needed a metal splint on his nose after three songs, then came out after a couple minutes to finish the set, you knew these guys weren’t fucking around.

But don’t let all the hardcore noise fool you. Underneath the brutal dynamics are well-crafted songs and strong musicianship; to quote Stuart Berman’s excellent review of their self-titled Sub Pop debut last year, “there is a fine to art to taking a music fueled by destructive impulses and building it to last.” Much of the front floor of the Bowery Ballroom — and the venue was basically sold out by showtime — may have been too busy moshing to notice, but many of METZ’s songs are seriously good, paying tribute to the punk/sludge golden age of the late 80s and early 1990s. Songs like “Sad Pricks” stand up to anything in this genre’s canon, and the massive show of support from the NYC crowd — a little less than half a year after a sold-out show at the Knitting Factory — underscored that METZ are the real deal.

I recorded this set with Schoeps MK5 cardiod mics in our usual spot in the venue plus an excellent feed of the house sound from longtime Bowery engineer Kenny. The sound is excellent. Enjoy!

Stream “Sad Pricks”

Stream “Can’t Understand”

Direct download of the complete show: [MP3] | [FLAC]

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.


Bowery Ballroom
New York, NY USA

Exclusive download hosted at
Recorded and produced by acidjack

Schoeps MK5 (cardiod, DIN, slightly LOC)>KCY>Z-PFA>Sound Devices USBPre2 + Soundboard (engineer: Kenny)>>Edirol R-44 [OCM]>Adobe Audition CS 5.5 (adjust levels, mix down)>Izotope Ozone 5 (effects, EQ)>Audacity 3.0 (tracking, fades, amplify, balance, downsample)>FLAC ( level 8 )

Tracks [Total Time 44:51]
01 [new song1]
02 Knife In the Water
03 Negative Space
04 [banter – head injury repair]
05 Get Off
06 Wasted
07 [banter2]
08 Sad Pricks
09 [banter3]
10 Can’t Understand
11 Headache
12 Rats
13 The Mule
14 [banter4]
15 Wet Blanket

If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT METZ, visit their website, and buy their self-titled debut directly from Sub Pop [HERE]

Melvins: June 6, 2011 Music Hall of Williamsburg – FLAC and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

June 10, 2011

[Photos by Greg Cristman.  Used with permission.  All rights reserved]

My last Melvins show had nothing on the epic 25th anniversary show that we also recorded (both recordings available here), where the band did a full run-through of their most famous album, Houdini, and a gaggle of other songs in a two and a half hour set.  So naturally, I was anxious to see them again at these shows at Music Hall of Williamsburg, where the band promised run-throughs of multiple albums per night.  On this first of the two nights, the band played material from three of their records, the classic Lysol, the somewhat less-known Eggnog, and finally, Houdini.  The venue’s sound system – arguably the best in tri-state area – was a highlight in and of itself as it pumped out the bone-rattling levels of sound from the band.  Unlike the 25th anniversary show, this show was all business, with the band doing a first set consisting of a mix of Eggnog and Lysol tracks that closed with an epic “Sacrifice” without a single second of banter.  This set of longer, sludgier songs set a (relatively) mellow tone to preface the blistering second set, consisting entirely of tracks from Houdini.  By the end of the kickoff track of the second set, “Hag Me,” the floor was a sea of bodies, and it stayed that way through the very last song, “Spread Eagle Beagle,” which closed out, appropriately, with the band’s dual drummers pounding the skins alone onstage.  Once again, the Melvins brought the epic noise… leaving us hungry for night two.

I recorded this set with the Schoeps microphones on the center of the balcony, running into a custom analog preamp to provide more detail and warmth to the recording.  The results are outstanding and reflect the incredible sound in the room.

Night two was also recorded and will be posted soon.

Stream “Second Coming>The Ballad of Dwight Frye [Alice Cooper]”
[audio: Second Coming_The Ballad of Dwight Frye.mp3]

Stream “Going Blind”
[audio: Going Blind.mp3]

Direct download of the MP3 files: [MP3]

Direct download of the lossless FLAC files: [FLAC]

Follow acidjack on Twitter

Music Hall of Williamsburg
Brooklyn, NY USA

An acidjack master recording
Recorded and produced by acidjack for

Equipment: Schoeps Mk41>CMC6>Oade M248>Edirol R-44 [Oade Concert Mod] (24/48)
Position: Balcony, DFC, mics on extension arm aimed down PAS
Mastering: 24bit/48kHz WAV>Audacity (set fades, tracking, light EQ on set II only (-1dB below ~250Hz)

SET I: Eggnog and Lysol [57:44]
01 [Set I Intro]
02 Charmicarmicat: Bastards
03 Lysol (aka Hung Bunny)>
04 Roman Dog Bird
05 Hog Leg: Like Stee, Moanin Ludlow
06 Antioxidote: Pigs Don’t Let It
07 Wispy: I Don’t Know But I Don’t Feel So Good
08 With Teeth
09 Second Coming>The Ballad of Dwight Frye [Alice Cooper]
10 Sacrifice

SET II: Houdini [56:27]
11 [Set II Intro]
12 Hag Me
13 Pearl Bomb
14 Hooch
15 Honey Bucket
16 Night Goat
17 Lizzy
18 Goin’ Blind
19 Joan of Arc
20 Set Me Straight
21 Sky Pup
22 Teet
23 Copache
24 Spread Eagle Beagle

If you download this recording from NYCTaper, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Melvins, visit their website, and buy their records from Ipecac records here.


DISCLAIMER and LEGAL NOTICE is a live music blog that offers a new paradigm of music distribution on the web. The recordings are offered for free on this site as are the music posts, reviews and links to artist sites. All recordings are posted with artist permission or artists with an existing pro-taping policy.

All recordings and original content posted on this site are as live recordings pursuant to 17 U.S.C. Section 106, et. seq. Redistribution of nyctaper recordings without consent of is strictly prohibited. hereby waives all copyright claims to any and all recordings posted on this site to THE PERFORMERS ONLY. If any artist posted on this site requests that recordings be removed, those recordings will be removed forthwith.