Built To Spill: July 28, 2010 Irving Plaza – FLAC/MP3/Streaming

August 1, 2010

[screen cap from this video]

Although known for their epic sets, including the several we recorded last yearBuilt to Spill’s set at Irving Plaza(thankfully renamed back from its brief, lame, “Fillmore East’ incarnation) was relatively short (clocking in around 80 minutes) and tighter than we expected.  That said, the band tore it up for every second that they were onstage, and frontman Doug Martsch’s vocals were dialed-in from moment one.   Playing very little of their recent There is No Enemy (though the leadoff of “Oh Yeah” was perfect), the band decided to play through the catalog, including an excellent version of their early classic, “Car” with the crowd fully behind it.  The band also played a highlight from their Live album, the Halo Benders cover “Virginia Reel Around the Fountain.”  The fact that a band’s 80-minute show is considered “short” is a testament to how much they normally give their fans.  In the end, not every show – even one with a serious player like Martsch – needs to serve up non-stop jams to be a winner.

We recorded this set from the center of the floor with the Schoeps and Neumann hypercardiod microphones parallel to each other on an 8-foot mic stand.  With some EQ tweaks to reduce some of the room characteristics, the sound is excellent.  Enjoy!

Direct download of MP3 files [HERE] | Direct Download of FLAC files [HERE]

Stream “Car”:

Built to Spill
Irving Plaza
New York, NY USA

Premiere download available exclusively at nyctaper.com

Recorded by acidjack and nyctaper
Produced by acidjack 2010-07-30

Equipment: Neumann KM150+Schoeps CMC641>Edirol R-44 (Oade Concert Mod) (24/44.1)
Position: FOB, DFC, mics at 8′, both pointed at stacks
Mastering: 2×24bit/44.1kHz WAV>Audacity (EQ, mixdown, set fades, tracking, amplify and balance channels, smooth peaks, downsample to 16bit)>FLAC (level 8 )

Tracks [Total Time 1:18:40]
01 Oh Yeah
02 Three Years Ago
03 Distopian Dream Girl
04 Kicked It In the Sun
05 Wherever You Go
06 Hindsight
07 The Plan
08 [tuning]
09 Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss
10 [tuning]
11 Virginia Reel Around the Fountain
12 Carry the Zero
13 [encore break]
14 Time Trap
15 Car
16 Conventional Wisdom

If you email nyctaper for access to this recording, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Built To Spill, visit their website, visit their MySpace page, and purchase their official releases from the Official Store at their website [Here].

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