Oneida’s new album Romance is only a couple weeks away. In preparation, here’s a palette cleanser from Bobby and Kid doing their People of the North thing, with Barry London joining. The trio waste no time in locking into a late-night groove, and follow with forty-five minutes of pulsing organ, synth, and drum rhythms. As Oneida has drifted back into playing more songs and less improvisation live, POTN has stepped in to scratch the itch for those less-structured performances. Hopefully you made it out Saturday night as these POTN shows aren’t all that frequent these days. But whether you did or not be sure to come out next Saturday, March 3 as the mighty Oneida take the stage at Secret Project Robot to celebrate their new one and kick off some March tour dates. Word on the street is they’ll have those Joyful Noise VIP-only colored vinyl copies to make all your friends jealous.
Recorded from the stage lip with MBHO cards in ORTF stereo. Board feed courtesy of Trans-Pecos FOH Imoni Cole-Palmer.
Download: [FLAC/MP3]
People of the North
Queens, NY
Recorded and produced by Eric PH for
Soundboard (engineer: Imoni Cole-Palmer) + MBHO MBP603/KA200N (ORTF, stage lip) > Zoom F8 > 2xWAV (24/48) > Adobe Audition CC (align, mixdown, compression, normalize, fades) + Izotope Ozone 5 (EQ) > xAct > FLAC (24/48, level 8)
Tracks [45:59]
01. Live at Trans-Pecos
If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT People of the North by buying their records from Thrill Jockey.
I think I needed this for my Thursday and didn’t even know it… Thanks for sharing — I am LOVING it so far.