Posts Tagged ‘ Vermont ’

MV & EE: November 13, 2016 Trans-Pecos

November 22, 2016

[photo by Sierra Starno. See more of her great work on her Instagram page]

Matt Valentine and Erika Elder, aka MV & EE, have a prolific output of records — 147 releases, if Discogs can be believed — that spans everything from proper albums to live CDRs to all manner of weird EPs and one-offs. But their most recent release, Root/Void, has been one of the most notable. The band’s first record for WoodsistRoot/Void has some of the band’s most focused songwriting to date, without losing the cosmic, herbal flow that gives this couple such a unique musical voice. The band’s latest isn’t missing the homegrown quality that makes MV & EE feel like a perpetually well-kept secret, but it will probably rope in some newcomers along the way.

This show at Trans-Pecos, presented by nyctaper, was pleasantly devoid of political conversation, though by virtue of existing, its politics were evident. Held on a bracing but sunny afternoon in Ridgewood, a like-minded group of souls gathered around the stage as Valentine and Elder pulled out a jam-heavy (even by their standards) hour-plus long set that covered recent road favorites like “Tea Devil” as well as some of the new album’s best jams. Perhaps the winner on that front would be “Roll On,” which arrived here as a furious, 16-minute squall that flowed into “Love Lemma” to close out the show. It was as “rock n’ roll” as this band gets, and it befitted the moment, as the sun fell in the afternoon sky, casting colored shadows on the two players as they did what they do best.

I recorded this set with a soundboard feed, together with Schoeps MK4V microphones in the crowd and Naiant X-X microphones onstage. Matt Valentine was kind enough to mix the sources to his specifications, and the result is a true MV & EE burner.  We are offering this recording in a new format that we believe will benefit both the artists and the fans — our new “official” bandcamp page. The downloads are offered in every format on a “pay what you will” basis, and streaming remains free via the bandcamp page and their handy mobile app. We hope you are as proud of the new effort as we are. Enjoy!

Stream and download this show from our new bandcamp page:

Queens, NY

Exclusive download hosted at nyctaper bandcamp
Recorded by acidjack
Produced by Matt Valentine

Soundboard (mono) + Schoeps MK4V (FOB, DFC)>KCY>Z-PFA + Naiant X-X (split omni, onstage)>>Zoom F8>3x24bit/48kHz WAV>Matt’s wizardry>Audacity 2.0.3 (fades, tracking, amplify, balance)>FLAC ( level 8 )

Tracks [Total Time 1:08:22]
01 Much Obliged
02 Stars Are In Your Eyes
03 Coot Moon Rap
04 No $>Shit’s Creek
05 Tea Devil>Tea Jam
06 Shout Outs Rap
07 Roll On>jam>Love Lemma

If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT MV & EE: Their Website | Buy Root/Void from Woodsist | Twitter

MV & EE: September 5, 2014 Three Lobed / WXDU Day Show, Hopscotch Music Festival, King’s, Raleigh, NC (FLAC/MP3/Full Set Streaming)

October 7, 2014

"photo by PJ Sykes"
[photos by PJ Sykes]

MV & EE are an underground band in the purest sense, the kind of band who self-releases an LP after scads of others have come out on (admittedly obscure) labels and still presses tasty CD-Rs of their best-loved live sets. They exist on exactly that plane you might expect for a Vermont band, doing things their way, happy to earn the love the slow way, through swapped tapes and late-night listening sessions on porches and in basements. Their sound, a sort of far-out experimental folk, is homegrown and not easily replicated. Having seen the band twice this year already, I noticed now more than ever that no two MV & EE sets ever seem quite alike, and Matt Valentine and Erika Elder seem so in tune with one another that no song needs to hew to a single version, either.

This set at the  Three Lobed / WXDU Day Show at King’s during Hopscotch Music Festival was the only one by an outfit that had actually played a night-time festival set (the night before at The Hive), but that didn’t mean MV & EE were willing to dish out the same thing twice. In keeping with the vibe of this show, this set went to the more noisy end of the spectrum, especially on the delicious combo of “Roll On>Mayan Feedback” from this year’s self-released record Alpha Lyrae. Valentine and Elder have been on a bit of a roll lately tour-wise, so they may be off the road for a bit, but check back at their website for all the band’s latest info and releases, including their new seven-inch split with Woods with both bands performing Pink Floyd’s “Green is the Colour”.

I recorded this set with Schoeps MK4V microphones on stage coupled with a soundboard feed from the King’s staff. The sound quality is outstanding. Enjoy!

Direct download of full set: [MP3] | [FLAC]

Stream the full set:

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request, and feel free to repost the Soundcloud links.

Three Lobed Recordings / WXDU Day Show
Raleigh, NC USA

Exclusive download hosted at
Recorded and produced by acidjack

Soundboard + Schoeps MK4V (on stage pair)>KC5>CMC6>>Edirol R-44 [OCM]>2x24bit/48kHz WAV>Adobe Audition CS 5.5 (mix down, compression)>Izotope Ozone 5 (effects, EQ)>Audacity 2.0.3 (track, fade, amplify, balance)>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 [intro – Cory Rayborn and Matt Valentine]
02 Green Is the Colour [Pink Floyd]>
03 Jam>
04 Freedom and Unity Rap
05 [tuning]
06 Roll On>
07 Mayan Feedback

If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT MV & EE, like them on Facebook and buy their latest record, Alpha Lyrae, directly from the band HERE.


Rubblebucket: January 28, 2012 Bowery Ballroom – FLAC and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

February 1, 2012

[Photos by acidjack]

Rubblebucket is a Brooklyn-by-way-of-Vermont band that is building a fan base the old-fashioned way: outstanding live shows and the positive word of mouth that results.  With a touring schedule that has blanketed the eastern seaboard and made them regulars in their home region, the band has come by every new fan and every new gig as honestly as possible.  That’s why, although you may have never heard of them, they sold out the Bowery Ballroom handily on a Saturday night.  They may have gotten their start on the college music circuit, but judging by this diverse crowd, they’ve not only kept those early fans, but grown well beyond their beginnings.

Rubblebucket hybridizes elements of NOLA jazz, lounge music, rock and French pop into a dance-ready, coherent whole.  Coming on strong with songs from their latest record, Omega La La, the band got things going early with the combo of “Worker”, “Raining” and “Breatherz” from Omega, each punctuated by exuberant blasts of brass (trombone, trumpet and occasionally sousaphone make appearances).  Their mic stands adorned with streamers, their energy relentlessly positive, and their giant robot-puppets (yes) waiting in the wings, Rubblebucket commanded the moment easily, turning the Bowery floor into a giant dance party.  About the robot puppets – during their extended-jam cover of Blondie’s “Heart of Glass,” two nearly balcony-high puppets roamed through the audience, engaged in mock robot-puppet warfare.  I don’t think you need a BA from a northeastern liberal arts school to understand how this makes for a good time.  (But I guess it might not hurt).

Maybe it shouldn’t be a novelty that Rubblebucket are distinguished by their virtuosity on their instruments – lead singer Kalmia Triver does double duty on sax, even – but that has been enough to get them included in another faux genre, “yes wave”.  I think I’ll pass on the genre name, but whatever you want to call their sound, Rubblebucket is a band you shouldn’t miss live.

I recorded this set with Schoeps MK41 microphones from our usual spot in the balcony, for a flawless capture of the night. Enjoy!

Stream “Raining”
[audio: Raining.mp3]

Stream “Heart of Glass [Blondie]”
[audio: Heart of Glass.mp3]

Download the MP3 and FLAC files and stream the entire show at the Live Music Archive [HERE]

Follow acidjack on twitter

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

Bowery Ballroom
New York, NY USA

Hosted exclusively at
Recorded and produced by acidjack

Schoeps MK41 (balcony, DIN, slightly LOC)>KCY>littlebox>Edirol R-44 [Oade Concert Mod]>2x24bit/48kHz WAV>Audacity (mixdown, balance, tracking, set fades, amplify and balance)>FLAC ( level 8)

Tracks [Total Time 1:23:14]
01 [intro]
02 Worker
03 Raining
04 Breatherz (Young as Clouds)
05 Landing
06 [?]-1
07 Silly Fathers
08 Heart of Glass [Blondie]
09 [banter]
10 Bikes
11 Triangular Daisies
12 [?]-2
13 [banter]
14 [?]-3
15 Came Out of a Lady
16 [encore break]
17 Down In the Yards
18 L’Homme

If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT Rubblebucket, visit their website, and buy Omega La La and their other releases from their official store [HERE]


DISCLAIMER and LEGAL NOTICE is a live music blog that offers a new paradigm of music distribution on the web. The recordings are offered for free on this site as are the music posts, reviews and links to artist sites. All recordings are posted with artist permission or artists with an existing pro-taping policy.

All recordings and original content posted on this site are as live recordings pursuant to 17 U.S.C. Section 106, et. seq. Redistribution of nyctaper recordings without consent of is strictly prohibited. hereby waives all copyright claims to any and all recordings posted on this site to THE PERFORMERS ONLY. If any artist posted on this site requests that recordings be removed, those recordings will be removed forthwith.