The Depreciation Guild: January 15, 2011 Rock Shop (FINAL SHOW!) – FLAC and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

January 18, 2011

[The Depreciation Guild at the Black Cat in Washington, DC in 2009. Photos by Mehan Jayasuriya – see his Flickr stream here.]

The Depreciation Guild are no more. Perhaps owing to the success of their other projects (such as lead singer Kurt Feldman’s other band, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, for whom he is the drummer) the members have decided to part ways. Though the band’s earliest material was basically chiptunes, leaning heavily on a modified 8-bit NES console for most of its beats, by the time their final record, Spirit Youth was released, TDG had developed a more guitar-heavy sound to go with Feldman’s blissed-out vocals, which usually lead to them getting the “shoegaze” tag. The band’s approach to its last show was surprisingly low-key – the fact that it was their last show wasn’t mentioned at all from the stage as they played a strong set covering both of their records, including what could perhaps be remembered as their signature number, “Trace.” Before they played the final number – “Butterfly Kisses” from In Her Gentle Jaws, there was no reminiscing, no big sendoff for the fans. “This is our last song,” was all that Feldman had to say before the band’s final four minutes together. Perhaps no more needed to be said – we will miss this excellent band whose potential was only beginning to be fully realized. We wish the band members success in their future (and current) endeavors.

I recorded this set from our usual location in the venue, at the right corner of the soundboard with the DPA microphones and a soundboard feed. The sound quality is excellent. Enjoy!

Stream “My Chariot”:
[audio: My Chariot.mp3]

Stream “Trace”:
[audio: Trace.mp3]

Direct download of MP3 files [HERE]

Download the Complete show in FLAC [HERE].

The Depreciation Guild
Rock Shop
Brooklyn, NY

An acidjack master recording
Recorded and produced by acidjack for

Equipment: DPA 4021+Soundboard>Edirol R-44 [Oade Concert Mod] (24/48)
Position: Center, mics pointed at stacks at 8.5ft
Mastering: 2x24bit/48kHz WAV>Audacity (mixdown, set fades, tracking, smooth peaks, very light EQ, amplify and balance, downsample)>FLAC ( level 8 )

Tracks [Total Time 56:40]
01 Sky Ghosts
02 My Chariot
03 Crucify You
04 Blue Lily
05 November
06 Trace
07 Heavy Eyes
08 Dream About Me
09 [encore break]
10 White Moth
11 Butterfly Kisses

If you email nyctaper for access to this recording, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT The Depreciation Guild, visit their website, and purchase their excellent last album, Spirit Youth, from your favorite retailer.

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2 Responses to The Depreciation Guild: January 15, 2011 Rock Shop (FINAL SHOW!) – FLAC and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

  1. January 18, 2011 at 1:42 pm

    It’s sad to hear these guys have broken up, having listened to them since their old chiptune days.

    The unknown song is ‘Crucify You’, by the way.

  2. Zack
    August 11, 2012 at 9:48 pm

    Absolutely beautiful quality and a what great set! Pity they didn’t play A Room, A Canvas like the guy asked during the break, that would have made it a perfect show, hahah! Thanks again for sharing these tapes and capturing the Guild’s magic down to the very end, the world thanks you (well, at least I know do!).

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