John Vanderslice: October 21, 2010 Mercury Lounge – Flac and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Song

October 24, 2010

[photo courtesy of Amanda Hatfield]

Early in his show on Thursday night at Mercury Lounge, John Vanderslice coaxed an ovation from the crowd for this site and myself. I’ve contended for a while that John is the nicest guy I’ve ever met in the music industry, but this kind of dedication was unexpected, humbling and quite touching. John’s forty-minute set contained similarly good will for the rest of the crowd, as he bantered with fans, told stories, and performed the best of his extensive catalog. The set highlights included “The Parade” (streaming below), my personal request and a song John said he’d only done three times, and the haunting “White Dove”. For the set closing “Numbered Lithograph”, John was joined by Franklin Bruno of Extra Lens who added tasty and well-placed melodic piano lines. Vanderslice will return to NYC in March when he promised a new release on Dead Oceans Records.

I recorded this set with the Neumann microphones on a stand in front of the cage and mixed with a soundboard feed. The sound quality is outstanding. Enjoy!

Stream “The Parade”:

This Recording is now available to Download in FLAC and MP3 and to Stream at [HERE].

John Vanderslice
Mercury Lounge
New York, NY USA

Digital Master Recording
Soundboard + Audience Matrix

Soundboard + Neumann KM-150s > Edirol R-44 (Oade Concert Mod) > 2x 24bit 48kHz wav files > Soundforge (level adjustments, mixdown, set fades) > CDWave 1.95 (tracking) > Flac Frontend (level 7, align sector boundaries) > flac

Recorded and Produced by nyctaper

[Total Time 37:48]
01 [introduction]
02 D.I.A.L.O.
03 [banter]
04 The Parade
05 [banter]
06 Time To Go
07 Scorpio Rising
08 Pale Horse
09 [banter]
10 White Plains
11 Sunken Union Boat
12 Radiant with Terror
13 White Dove
14 [banter]
15 Trance Manual
16 [banter]
17 Numbered Lithograph

If you email nyctaper for access to this recording, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT John Vanderslice, visit his website, and purchase his official releases from the links at his website [HERE].

2 Responses to John Vanderslice: October 21, 2010 Mercury Lounge – Flac and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Song

  1. Michael Hession
    October 25, 2010 at 1:24 pm


  2. nat lyon
    October 25, 2010 at 5:29 pm

    Double thanks for the care and quality in both the recording and in your narrative. Your CMJ coverage was a true blessing for those of us in the provinces.

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