[photo courtesy of Diana.Wong]
Last night at Music Hall of Williamsburg, we decided to get among the crazy throngs on the floor at the Of Montreal show. While it was certainly comfortable up in the balcony at Roseland, we must admit to a bit of envy when the crowd on the floor erupted in unison at various points of the amazing Of Montreal show in October. The Brooklyn crowd did not let us down — bumping and dancing throughout the first half of the two-hour show. As the twenty-seven song set worked into its second hour, the floor began to empty a bit, so that by the set-closing “Kongsvinger”, all that remained were the diehards, most of whom by then were covered in red paint. As in October, we were treated to a cover song as the show-closing number, this time the more sedate Tom Petty classic “American Girl”. In terms of the stage show, this was a bit of a scaled-down affair (no horse or hanging), but the ninja crew were very active and Kevin still made countless costume changes.
As we recorded with our mobile unit from the floor, this recording has an “authentic” in-the-crowd feel to it. Additionally, the sound in the venue was at times saturated and muddy. With those caveats, we are nevertheless pleased with the results. Enjoy!
Direct download of MP3 files (HERE)
Download the Complete show in FLAC [HERE].
Of Montreal
Music Hall of Williamsburg
Brooklyn, NY USA
Digital Master Recording
Recorded from FOB
Dead Center 30 Feet from PA
DPA 4021’s > Marantz PMD-660 (Oade BCM) > 16bit 44.1 wav > Soundforge (set fades, level boost, slight eq) > CDWave 1.95 (tracking) > Flac Frontend (level 7, align sector boundaries) > flac
Recorded and Produced by nyctaper
[Total Time 1:53:07]
01 Introduction
02 Id Engager
03 So Begins Our Alabee
04 Triphallus, To Punctuate!
05 She’s a Rejecter
06 For Our Elegant Caste
07 Touched Something’s Hollow
08 An Eluardian Instance
09 Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse
10 Gallery Piece
11 Wraith Pinned To The Mist (And Other Games)
12 Women’s Studies Victims
13 St. Exquisite Confessions
14 Eros’ Entropic Tundra
15 [interlude – carrots]
16 Nonpareil Of Favor
17 October is Eternal
18 Wicked Wisdom
19 Bunny Ain’t No Kind Of Rider
20 Knight Rider
21 And I’ve Seen A Bloody Shadow
22 Plastis Wafers
23 Beware Our Nubile Miscreants
24 Mingusings
25 All Na Wayo
26 A Sentence Of Sorts In Kongsvinger
27 [encore break]
28 Gronlandic Edit
29 Oslo In The Summertime
30 American Girl (Tom Petty)
If you email nyctaper for access to this recording, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Of Montreal, visit their website, visit their MySpace page, and purchase their new CD Skeletal Lamping at the Polyvinyl website [HERE].
it says the (MP3) file is in unknown format or is damaged…
Try again, over a hundred people have downloaded this with no other reported problems.
whoa, that was quick, thanks. i’ve tried twice now, but i’ll give it another go. i commented on fluxblog too so don’t worry about answering me there. i’ll let ya know if it works
i downloaded it but i cant get it to open, since its compressed. i dont think i have any software to unzip it, any (free) suggestions/alternatives?
Its a zip file, WinZip or WinRar are the most common unzipping programs.
Hi are there flac links?