Tom Tom Club: January 12, 2011 Irving Plaza – Flac and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

January 14, 2011

[photo from Chris Frantz’s Facebook page]

Its been thirty years since the release of the Tom Tom Club’s first album, but at Irving Plaza last night the years were wiped away by both the crowd and the band. Tom Tom Club performed a tight 80-minute set of their timeless songs and the well-aged crowd danced in a frenzy throughout the evening. From the first beats of “Suboceana” until the final frenzied jam at the conclusion of “Psycho Killer”, Chris’s machine-like drumming and Tina’s unmistakeable bass were prominent in the mix and propelled the band and the fans. The setlist drew liberally from among the band’s entire catalog with highlights too many to list. We’ve streamed “Wordy Rappinghood” below as it was the set closer and was an extended version, and “The Man With The 4-Way Hips”, which was also extended and completely smoked. As a celebration of their 30th anniversary Tom Tom Club will be touring throughout the year and will indeed record some new material. Look for them on the “festival circuit” this summer.

I recorded this set with the four microphone rig from the middle of the floor at Irving Plaza, with the microphones raised to about 12 feet. The sound quality in the venue was superbly rich and clear, and the quality of this recording is as a result quite outstanding. Enjoy!

Stream “Wordy Rappinghood”:

Stream “The Man With The 4-Way Hips:

This Recording is now available for Download in FLAC and MP3 at [HERE].

Tom Tom Club
Irving Plaza
New York, NY USA

Digital Audience Master Recording
Recorded from Center of the Floor

Neumann KM-150s + DPA 4021s > Edirol R-44 (Oade Concert Mod) > 2x 24bit 48kHz wav files > Soundforge (level adjustments, mixdown, set fades) > CDWave 1.95 (tracking) > Flac Frontend (level 7, align sector boundaries) > flac

Recorded and Produced by nyctaper

[Total Time 1:18:47]
01 Suboceana
02 She’s Dangerous
03 Punk Lolita
04 [banter]
05 L’Elephant
06 Who Feelin’ It
07 Under The Boardwalk
08 [banter2]
09 The Man With The 4-Way Hips
10 Time To Bounce
11 [band introductions]
12 Genius Of Love
13 You Sexy Thing
14 Wordy Rappinghood
15 [encore break]
16 Take Me To The River
17 Psycho Killer

If you email nyctaper for access to this recording, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Tom Tom Club, visit their website, where you can purchase their official releases at the Tom Tom Club Store.

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One Response to Tom Tom Club: January 12, 2011 Irving Plaza – Flac and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

  1. bigSteev
    May 6, 2011 at 11:05 am

    Fantastic quality and what a treat to hear these guys playing and sounding amazing. I wish my Dad was alive to hear this show….he loved these guys.

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