Lucero: July 23, 2011 Mercury Lounge – FLAC / MP3 Downloads + Streaming Samples

August 12, 2011

[At the March 2010 Music Hall of Williamsburg show.  Photo by Johnny]

A few years ago I saw a Lucero concert for the first time and was promptly blown away.  With their amalgam of southern rock, alt country and punk, I assumed that seeing them perform in a small bar-type venue in close proximity to a drunken, unruly horde would be where they would truly shine and the pinnacle of seeing them live.  Suffice to say, I got my wish.  When a little bird told me that a band called Nobody’s Darlings booked for a particular Saturday night at Mercury Lounge was, in fact, going to be a “secret” show by Lucero, I grabbed tickets as soon as they went on sale.  Judging by the throng that showed up that night, it obviously didn’t stay a secret.  Being in the midst of the Warped Tour, the band was eager to stretch its collective legs and play a longer and more varied setlist than they had been doing.  The crowd, wanting a good time and obviously as excited to see the band as I was, gave the boys a hero’s welcome.  And Lucero didn’t disappoint.  Including songs from nearly all of their albums, they also threw in a handful of new tracks as a preview of their next disc, slated for release early next year.  Put it all together and the concert was everything I had imagined it would be.

With Lucero’s engineer, Justin, joining always-excellent house engineer, Kevin, at the controls, the sound was perfectly dialed in for the show.  Our mics, flying dead-center in the venue, combined with a soundboard feed has resulted in a superb recording.  I hope you like what you hear as much as I did.  Enjoy!

Special thanks to Lucero and Brian Schwartz for making this recording possible, and to Jay Belin and the Mercury Lounge team for their courtesy and cooperation.

Stream “That Much Further West”:
Stream “
Drink ‘Till We’re Gone“:

Direct download of the complete show in MP3 [HERE]

Direct download of the complete show in FLAC [HERE]

If either of the links are no longer working, email nyctaper with a request for the download location of the files.

(billed as Nobody’s Darlings)
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Mercury Lounge
New York, NY, USA

Source: SBD + AKG C 414 B-XLS’s > Edirol R-44 (WAV @ 24-bit/48kHz)
Lineage: R-44 > USB > PC > Adobe Audition (mixdown, adjust levels, downsample, dither, tracking) > WAV (16-bit/44.1kHz) > Trader’s Little Helper (check/fix SBE’s, FLAC) > FLAC Level 8
Lucero’s sound engineer: Justin
Mercury Lounge house engineer: Kevin
Recorded and produced by: Johnny Fried Chicken Boy

[Total time: 1:42:10]
01. [intro]
02. That Much Further West
03. Can’t Feel a Thing
04. Nights Like These
05. What Else Would You Have Me Be?
06. [banter]
07. Across the River
08. Like Lightning
09. Goodbye Again
10. A Dangerous Thing
11. Joining the Army
12. Last Night in Town
13. [banter]
14. Sixes and Sevens
15. [banter / whiskey break]
16. Chain Link Fence
17. Sounds of the City
18. It May Be Too Late
19. Women and Work
20. Darken My Door
21. [banter]
22. Drink ‘Till We’re Gone
23. [banter]
24. The Last Pale Light in the West
25. [banter]
26. Mom
27. [banter]
28. All Sewn Up
29. [encore break]
30. Fistful of Tears
31. [banter]
32. Hold Fast
33. [outro / A message from John C.]

If you download this recording, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Lucero, visit their website, visit their MySpace and Facebook pages, and purchase their official releases and merchandise [HERE].

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2 Responses to Lucero: July 23, 2011 Mercury Lounge – FLAC / MP3 Downloads + Streaming Samples

  1. Paul
    August 16, 2011 at 6:11 pm

    This is great! I love Lucero! I saw them at Krazyfest this year. Thanks so much!

  2. Mark Fisher
    December 22, 2011 at 8:58 pm

    Have seen Lucero numerous times and they have always impressed, even in the early performance at HSBF…favorite show was at a small bar in Asheville, NC called the Grey Eagle Tavern…looking forward to their Philly show on 28 Dec….Hey, Ben Nichols–play Bikeriders!!!!!

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