The Night Marchers slam-packed Glasslands last Saturday for a set of straight-ahead raw punk from veterans of the scene. The band, anchored by guitarist John Reis, who previously led several bands including Rocket From the Crypt, Drive Like Jehu, and Hot Snakes, finds Reis reunited with fellow Hot Snakes personnel Gar Wood and Jason Kourkonis along with bassist Tommy Kitsos. The result is closer to RFTC’s fun-loving rockabilly-tinged raveups than Hot Snakes’ darker fare — Reis is a consummate showman who shows a knack for big rock gestures and isn’t afraid to have fun with his audience, and The Night Marcher’s songs, even on heavier subject matter, come across more as party-ready than angry. The San Diego band doesn’t get out to the East Coast all that often, having waited five years to follow up 2008’s See You In Magic with this year’s Allez Allez. As a result, this crowd came ready for a special occasion, and they got one, with a blistering full hour set that spanned both of their records. Glasslands has a special energy on nights like these, when there isn’t an inch of the place to move and — even in the middle of winter — you begin to think the walls will start sweating. For their part, The Night Marchers gave us something worth waiting for, with several of the Allez Allez numbers standing out, including “2 Guitars Sing”, “Fisting the Fan Base”, and “(Wasting Away In) Javalinaville”. Reis even paused the show to sing happy birthday to a fan. Whoever that guy was, this was a birthday he won’t forget.
hi and lo recorded this set with an excellent soundboard feed by the band’s FOH Nikhil “Mckeel” Ranade as well as our house-installed Naiant X-R mics. The sound is excellent. Enjoy!
Direct download of the complete show: [MP3] | [FLAC]
If the FLAC link is no longer working, email nyctaper for the FLAC files
Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.
Night Marchers
Brooklyn, NY USA
Exclusive download hosted at
Recorded by hi and lo
Produced by hi and lo and acidjack
Soundboard (engineer: Nikhil “Mckeel” Ranade) + Naiant X-R (cardiod, DFC)>Tascam DR-680>2x24bit/48kHz WAV>Wavelab>Audacity 3.0 (tracking, fades, amplify, balance, upward compression, downsample)>FLAC ( level 8 )
01 [intro]
02 Closed For Inventory
03 All Hits
04 Jump In the Fire
05 [banter1]
06 Scene Report
07 Loud Dumb and Mean
08 Thar She Blows
09 [banter2]
10 Happy Birthday
11 Pain
12 2 Guitars Sing
13 [banter3]
14 Tropical Depression
15 I Wanna Deadbeat You>
16 (Wasting Away In) Javalinaville
17 Fisting the Fan Base
18 [encore break]
19 Branded
20 In Dead Sleep (I Snore ZZZZ)
If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT Night Marchers, like them on Facebook, and purchase their official releases from Amazon [HERE] or at your favorite retailer.
Thanks so much. This looks great.
Unknown 1 is “Scene Report”
Unknown 2 is “Tropical Depression”
dont forget about nmers soundguy. nikhil “mckeel” ranade
Thanks – we’ll update the post. I don’t think our guy got your name – thanks for letting us know!