This show with the incomparable guitar wizard Ryley Walker is the first show in a series that we’re contemplating for the Market Hotel. Its an all-acoustic afternoon affair at the venue that we are preliminarily calling “Market Day”. The concept will be an un-amplified performance in front of an intimate crowd to be captured in audio and video. Ryley is the first show in this planned series. Tickets are limited to 50 total, and there still remain a few tickets – HERE.
Here are the details:
NYCTaper Presents
Ryley Walker – A Special Acoustic Performance
Friday May 13, 2016
6pm-7pm (doors at 5pm)
Market Hotel
1140 Myrtle Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11221
J or M Train to Myrtle/Broadway
To be a selfish non-NYCer… will this recording be released? Love all your great Ryley recordings
Its edited. Waiting for some other media to put together the post.