Black Angels: March 16, 2012 SXSW at Hotel Vegan Austin TX – Flac and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Song

April 19, 2012

[photo courtesy of Amanda Hatfield and brooklynvegan]

The Black Angels were technically a late addition at the Friday day show at Hotel Vegan. The band roster wasn’t announced until SXSW had already begun, but given that the band called Austin home, it was a welcome addition but not really a surprise. That being said, any opportunity to experience one of the premiere psych-rock bands around today on their home turf is a must see. The Black Angels have not released a new album since 2010’s superb Phosphene Dream, but the addition of two brand new songs to the setlist helped make this show special. We are streaming the opening track from Phosphene, “Bad Vibrations”, an outstanding version heavy in the reverb, sixties-style organ and haunting guitar lines.

I recorded this set with the Sennheiser microphones mounted at the soundboard tent and mixed with a stereo board feed. The position of the tent on this day was very close to an outdoor bar, so there is some extra crowd noise not present on the other dates. With that caveat, Enjoy!

Stream “Bad Vibrations”:

This recording is now available to download as FLAC or MP3 at [HERE].

Black Angels
Hotel Vegan – SXSW
Austin, TX USA

Digital Master Recording
Soundboard + Audience Matrix

Soundboard + Sennheiser MKH-8040 Cardioids > Edirol R-44 (Oade Concert Mod) > 2 x 24bit 48kHz wav files > Soundforge (level adjustments, mixdown, set fades) > CDWave 1.95 (tracking) > TLH > flac (320 MP3 and tagging via Foobar)

Recorded and Produced
by nyctaper 2012-04-15

[Total Time 41:02]
01 The Sniper
02 Sunday Afternoon
03 Always On The Go [new song]
04 Bad Vibrations
05 Young Men Dead
06 Science Killer
07 Black Grease
08 You On The Run
09 Hey Little Darling [new song]

If you email nyctaper for access to this recording, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT The Black Angels, visit their website, purchase Phosphene Dream directly from the band at the front page of their website [HERE].

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2 Responses to Black Angels: March 16, 2012 SXSW at Hotel Vegan Austin TX – Flac and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Song

  1. Dave C
    April 20, 2012 at 7:44 am

    sounds really really good. News songs as well yum…

  2. April 24, 2012 at 7:28 pm

    Amazing band! Thanks for capturing the show.

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