Posts Tagged ‘ stoner rock ’

Earthless: March 18, 2016 Mercury Lounge

March 28, 2016

Screen Shot 2016-03-19 at 1.37.08 PM
[photos of the Boston show by Elizabeth Gohr, from Earthless’ Instagram page]

It seems more than apropos that the Twitter handle of the San Diego band Earthless is “@earthlessrips”. ‘Cause that is, indeed, what they’re gonna do when you see them onstage during one of their relatively infrequent East Coast trips. During this run, they hit both Rough Trade NYC and the Mercury Lounge the following night. We caught the latter show, on a late Friday, and it was a doozy. For over an hour the band shredded through just three songs, two of which hailed from their 2013 LP From the Ages. While their records are cult favorites in their own right, the live show is the right place to experience these guys, as Mario Rubalcaba (drums), Isaiah Mitchell (guitar) and Mike Eginton (bass) tearing it up onstage is about as ideal of a fist-pumping, beer-swigging, rock n’ roll moment as you can have with a band that you aren’t embarrassed to like. This is rock music at is elemental, instrumental best, loud, pure and stacked with riffs. Somebody is bound to throw around the term “stoner rock” at some point or another, and who can blame ’em, but this is music that can go with almost any drug (or none at all, of course). After a short break, the band closed this show with a cover (with vocals, no less!) — a true-to-the-original rendition of Jimi Hendrix’s “Foxy Lady.” It wasn’t the twenty-minute thrashers that came before it, for sure, but the cover was perfect — one last time to let Earthless remind us why they’re a must-see when they’re out this way.

I recorded this set with Schoeps MK41V microphones and a direct feed of Mercury engineer Alex Beaulieu’s live mix. The sound quality is outstanding. Enjoy!

Download the complete set: [MP3/FLAC]

Stream and download the complete set on our bandcamp page:

Mercury Lounge
New York, NY USA

Exclusive download hosted at
Recorded and produced by acidjack

Schoeps MK41V (ROC, PAS) + Soundboard (engineer: Alex Beaulieu)>>Zoom F8>2x24bit/48kHz WAV>Adobe Audition CS 5.5 (align, mix down, adjust balance
of SBD, adjust levels)>Izotope Ozone 5 (effects, EQ)>Audacity 2.0.5 (track, amplify, balance, downsample, dither)>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 Uluru Rock
02 Violence of the Red Sea
03 Sonic Prayer
04 [encore break]
05 Foxy Lady [Jimi Hendrix]

Support Earthless: Facebook | Buy their records from Tee Pee Records

Dead Meadow: February 11, 2014 Bowery Ballroom – Flac/MP3/Streaming

February 16, 2014

[photos by PSquared Photography]

Before there was Wooden Shjips or Black Angels or Black Mountain, there was Dead Meadow who in the late 90s began to play psych rock in Washington DC in an era when the local hard rock was dominated by Dischord bands. Despite the stylistic clash with the music of the day, Dead Meadow nevertheless succeeded on talent and ingenuity. Fifteen years, a few personnel changes, and a move to LA later, the band is still producing intense stoner rock and recently released their eighth studio album Warble Womb (Xemu Records). Dead Meadow hasn’t played NYC in several years, but this week they were in town for two shows. We caught the Bowery Ballroom show on Tuesday night where Dead Meadow worked through a ninety minute set of exactly what we came to hear — a mix of old and new material, some spacey jamming, and outstanding sound quality. Given the weather, the crowd was not as packed as might have been expected in nicer climes, but the fans were certainly animated. There seemed to be a duel between the guy calling out for older material and the guy who yelled “play the record”. I guess the newer fan won, because the band added “1000 Dreams” from Warble even though it wasn’t on the setlist. We are streaming that track below because the band nailed the off-the-cuff selection. Dead Meadow’s tour continues through February with multiple East Coast and Midwestern dates, see “tour” at their website.

I recorded this set in our usual manner in this venue, with the Sennheiser cards mounted in our perch to the left of the soundboard and mixed with a board feed. We were fortunate that Dead Meadow FOH Chris Preston was with the band and provided a customized feed with well balanced guitars and effects. The result is that the sound quality is superb. Enjoy!

Stream “1000 Dreams”:

Stream “Til Kingdom Come”:

Download the Complete Show [MP3] / [FLAC]

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

Dead Meadow
Bowery Ballroom
New York, NY

Digital Master Recording
Soundboard + Audience Matrix

Soundboard [Engineer Chris Preston] + Sennheiser MKH-8040s > Edirol R-44 (Oade Mod) > 2 x 24bit 48kHz wav files > Soundforge (level adjustments, mixdown, set fades) > CDWave 1.95 (tracking) > TLH > flac (320 MP3 and tagging via Foobar)

Recorded and Produced
by nyctaper

[Total Time 1:24:22]
01 [intro]
02 Greensky Greenlake
03 Everything’s Going On
04 Such Hawks Such Hounds
05 Six to Let the Light Shine Thru
06 The Whirlings
07 1000 Dreams
08 In The Thicket
09 Good Moanin
10 At Her Open Door
11 Rains in the Desert
12 Sleepy Silver Door
13 Til Kingdom Come
14 Heaven

If you enjoyed this recording, please support Dead Meadow, visit their website, and purchase Warble Womb from your preferred retailer, or iTunes [HERE]

Heliotropes: October 18, 2012 NYCTaper CMJ Day Show, Cake Shop – FLAC/MP3/Streaming

October 29, 2012

[Photo courtesy of MaryAnne Ventrice]

At first, it’s hard to grasp that the women of Heliotropes are your showcase’s heaviest band by far. From looking at them, you might not guess that the diverse group of young women makes monster, Sabbath-inspired rock with chunky, wah wah riffs and a raging backbeat. Also one of the newest acts on our CMJ day show bill, these ladies are kindred spirits of modern stoner/psych rockers like The Midnight Ghost Train, Pontiak and others, and they don’t hold back onstage. For a band whose current output consists of some singles on their bandcamp page, Heliotropes already have a well-developed sound and delivery – and based on this set at our unofficial CMJ day show at Cake Shop, are well on their way to an LP. Most of the tracks played at this show were new other than the released single “Ribbons”, and that new material is consistently hard hitting. The band closed out with a favorite of mine from Nirvana’s first album Bleach, the scorching “Negative Creep”, which the women of Heliotropes brought down in tempo a touch to give a more dirge-like sound to the song.

I recorded this set with a soundboard feed provided by the day’s excellent engineer Justin together with Schoeps MK5 microphones in the cardiod setting mounted directly in front of the stage.  The sound is “in your face” and excellent. Enjoy!

Stream “Quatto”

Direct download of MP3 files [HERE] | Direct download of FLAC files [HERE]
If the FLAC link is no longer working, email nyctaper for the FLAC files
Follow acidjack on twitter

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

NYCTaper CMJ Day Show
Cake Shop
New York, NY USA

Exclusive download hosted at
Recorded and produced by acidjack

Soundboard (engineer: Justin) + Schoeps MK5>KCY>Z-PFA>>Edirol R-44 [OCM]>Adobe Audition CS 5.5 (mix down, fades, align, adjust levels)>Izotope Ozone 5 (EQ, thicken, exciter)>Audacity 3.0 (tracking, amplify, balance, light DR compression, downsample)>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 Psalms
02 Early In The Morning
03 Light and Dark
04 Ribbons
05 Quatto
06 Negative Creep

If you enjoyed this recording, PLEASE SUPPORT Heliotropes, like them on Facebook, and check out their music on their bandcamp page.

Weird Owl: July 14, 2011 Union Pool – FLAC and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Song

July 27, 2011

weird owl
[Photo Credit]

Weird Owl make bad-ass stoner rock for the modern era, and this show at Union Pool found them rocking the living hell out of an expectant crowd that was about to see headliner White Hills. It is hard to hear a songs like the reverb-heavy monster “Stral Proj” or the space rock of “Mind Mountain” and not imagine them being played to a crowd of feathered haircuts, bell bottoms and tie-dye rather than modern-day BK hipsters. Weird Owl’s music has a deep, satisfying heaviness to it, with the rich roar of classic analog amps and wah-wah pedals. Their new record, Build Your Beast A Fire, just released on Tee Pee Records, is a fifteen-song monster that finds the band tightening up their songwriting a bit, crafting slightly more approachable songs that deliver on the promise suggested by their 2009 debut, Ever the Silver Cord Be Loosed. Though short, this set gave expectant fans a dose of the new songs’ greatness. Make Weird Owl and Build Your Beast A Fire part of your summer, now. Because we told you so.

hi and lo and I recorded this set with four microphones and a soundboard feed. The split wide cardiod microphones, in particular, give the recording a huge, detailed sound. Enjoy!

Stream “Straj Proj”:
[audio: Straj Proj.mp3]

Direct download of MP3 files [HERE]

Download the Complete show in FLAC [HERE].

Follow acidjack on Twitter

Weird Owl
Union Pool
Brooklyn, NY USA

Recorded by acidjack and hi and lo for
Produced by acidjack

Equipment: AKG C414 B-XLS (wide cardiod mode)>Oade M248 + Schoeps mk41>CMR>tinybox + Soundboard >> Tascam DR-680 (24/48)
Position: AKGs split 6′ on balcony, Schoeps DINa on balcony, DFC
Mastering: 24bit/48kHz WAV>Audacity (mixdown, set fades, amplify and balance)>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 Saucer-Shaped Shadow>
02 Skin the Dawn
03 Up From the Root
04 Stral Proj
05 Parallax Eyes
06 Mind Mountain
07 Mountains On Top of Buried Stars

If you download this recording from NYCTaper, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Weird Owl, visit their MySpace page, and purchase their records from Tee Pee Records [HERE]


DISCLAIMER and LEGAL NOTICE is a live music blog that offers a new paradigm of music distribution on the web. The recordings are offered for free on this site as are the music posts, reviews and links to artist sites. All recordings are posted with artist permission or artists with an existing pro-taping policy.

All recordings and original content posted on this site are as live recordings pursuant to 17 U.S.C. Section 106, et. seq. Redistribution of nyctaper recordings without consent of is strictly prohibited. hereby waives all copyright claims to any and all recordings posted on this site to THE PERFORMERS ONLY. If any artist posted on this site requests that recordings be removed, those recordings will be removed forthwith.