Posts Tagged ‘ Lee Ranaldo ’

Lee Ranaldo: January 22, 2017 Park Church Co-op

January 26, 2017

For all the reasons I need not repeat here, protest music is perhaps more vital now than at any other time in my lifetime if not everyone’s. Lee Ranaldo’s engagement with Occupy Wall Street has been well documented; and it was around that time that he started performing Neil Young’s classic “Revolution Blues” regularly at shows. Coming off inauguration weekend, I think we can safely call all of the songs Ranaldo performed last Sunday protest music, each song imploring us in its own language to “resist, resist, resist, resist.”

Wrapping up his two-week tour with Meg Baird and Steve Gunn (Steve’s set here, Meg’s set here), Ranaldo showed up at Park Church Co-op with a slew of new material (some of which we’ve heard before), plus covers of The Velvet Underground’s “Ocean” and the aforementioned Neil Young tune. Will the help of a few friends—left to right in the above photo that’s Georgia Hubley, Ira Kaplan, Lee, and Steve—the glorious crescendo of “Ocean” is as overwhelming as the lyrics’ crashing waves suggest. These days, we need art not only for protest but also to uplift, and this performance is nothing if not uplifting. Closing with “Revolution Blues,” Lee is joined by Steve Gunn and Meg Baird, both on guitar and vocals, Alan Licht on guitar, and Georgia Hubley on drums. We’ve heard Lee do this song a few times now, but trading verses with Meg the forty-year-old song and its lyrics feel refreshing as we listen with new ears.

I recorded this set from my improvised tapers section in front of board, combined with a feed from Park Church’s engineer Jasno Swarez. The sound is excellent. Enjoy—and resist!

Download: MP3/FLAC


Lee Ranaldo
Park Church Co-op
Brooklyn, NY

Recorded and produced by Eric PH for

Soundboard [engineer: Jasno Swarez] + AKG C480B/CK61 > Roland R-26 > 2xWAV (24/48) > Adobe Audition CC (align, compression, mixdown, normalize, fades) + Izotope Ozone 5 (EQ) > Audacity 2.0.5 (downsample, dither, tracking, tagging) > FLAC (16/44.1, level 8)

Tracks [1:03:44]
01. Moroccan Mountains
02. Let’s Start Again
03. Circular
04. Electric Trim
05. [Uncle Skeleton intro]
06. Uncle Skeleton
07. Thrown Over the Wall (w/Alan Licht)
08. Last Looks (w/Meg Baird)
09. [Ocean intro]
10. Ocean [The Velvet Underground] (w/Alan, Steve Gunn, Georgia Hubley, and Ira Kaplan)
11. [Revolution Blues intro]
12. Revolution Blues [Neil Young] (w/Meg, Alan, Steve, and Georgia)

• Website
• • Facebook
• • • Buy Lee Ranaldo and the Dust records from Matador

And then, please consider donating to local organizations that support freedom and fair treatment for all, such as the New York Civil Liberties Union and the New York Immigration Coalition.

Lee Ranaldo: March 29, 2016 Trans-Pecos

April 28, 2016


One of those only-in-New York things: you’re out in Ridgewood on a Tuesday night to see a solo guitar player (Chuck Johnson), and the opening act is freaking Lee Ranaldo. Since the demise of Sonic Youth, Lee has been a busy man, putting out two well-received solo records. If these new songs are any guide, there’s going to be a lot more where that came from. What’s striking about seeing Ranaldo in the many settings where we’ve seen him — from the Sonic Youth days to a mind-bending improv performance with Tim Barnes at the opening of Market Hotel, to this solo acoustic performance at Trans-Pecos — is the assuredness with which he plays, the singular dedication and quality that comes through in every single thing he does. The decades under his belt as a professional musician serve not to weigh him down, but as with the finest artists, to free him to do exactly what he chooses, when he chooses, and do it well. These new songs show Lee’s continuing development during the post-Sonic Youth Between the Times & the Tides and Last Night On Earth era, when Ranaldo first embraced more straight-ahead songwriting in the solo realm versus his previous experimental efforts. While we’ve heard “Let’s Start Again” before, at last year’s Trans-Pecos show, the rest of these songs were new numbers, some of which Lee has tried out sporadically at other appearances. Even in their stripped-down form, the complexity and strength of these songs was obvious, and Ranaldo’s vocals have never sounded better. This was a welcome burst of energy from a master of his craft; we can’t wait to see what comes next.

I recorded this set with Schoeps MK4V microphones at the stage lip near Lee and his guitar, coupled with a soundboard feed and Audio Technica 853 microphones in the audience to capture the ambiance of the room. The sound quality is excellent. Enjoy!

Download the complete set: [MP3/FLAC]

Stream the complete set: 

Lee Ranaldo
Queens, NY USA

Exclusive download hosted at
Recorded and produced by acidjack

Soundboard + Schoeps MK4V (stage lip, DFC) + Audio Technica 853c>PFA (ROC, at SBD)>>Zoom F8>3x24bit/48kHz WAV>Adobe Audition CS 5.5 (align, mix down, compression)>Izotope Ozone 5 (EQ, effects)>Audacity 2.0.5 (track, amplify, balance, downsample, dither)>FLAC ( level 8 )

Tracks [Total Time 31:11]
01 [intro]
02 Let’s Start Again
03 Circular
04 Electric Trim
05 Last Looks
06 Thrown Over the Wall

SUPPORT Lee Ranaldo: Website | Store

Lee Ranaldo: December 16, 2015 Market Hotel

December 23, 2015

[photos by PSquared Photography and Ryan Muir]

He spent more than half his life in one band, but if anything is evident from Lee Ranaldo’s career after Sonic Youth is that’s he perhaps the most versatile artist performing in NYC these days. We were there when Lee launched his band in support of his first proper solo album. The band that eventually became The Dust have played consistently over the last four years and are responsible for three albums since 2012. Over that period, Lee has also performed solo acoustic sets, acoustic duos, and as we experienced at Trans Pecos last month, as an acoustic trio. But there has always been more than guitar. Lee’s earlier works have also included spoken word, poetry and art installations often in conjunction with Lee’s wife the renowned artist Leah Singer.

12162016 Sleater Kinney 03475

The show that Lee Ranaldo performed as the opening set at the grand re-opening of the Market Hotel was in many ways a synthesis of his many artistic endeavors. It was a duo with the percussionist Tim Barnes with Lee nominally on “guitar”, but the piece was more of a stretching of the boundaries of how to “play” a guitar. The set began with Lee’s guitar hanging by a rope from the ceiling and continued with Lee’s use of the instrument in previously unimagined ways. He used the venue as part of the piece as the stage floor, the ceiling pipes and the front pillar (@marketpillar) became means by which the guitar was played. As Barnes accompanied Ranaldo with flourishes of percussion, often subtle but at other times manic, Lee maintained a cacophonous symphony of noise that reverberated around the packed and buzzing venue. It was a glorious inauguration for the Market Hotel and christened the venue with the type of imaginative and inventive programming that will surely follow as the calendar turns to 2016.

Lee will be performing solo again at the City Winery for Joseph Arthur’s 6th Annual New Year’s Day Celebration, before heading to Europe for solo dates in late January and early February.

I recorded this set with the Sennheiser cardioids mounted on the second Pillar and mixed with a board feed. The sound quality is quite outstanding. Enjoy!

Download the Complete Set [MP3] / [FLAC]

Stream the Complete Set:

Lee Ranaldo
Market Hotel
Brooklyn NY

Digital Master Recording
Soundboard + Upfront Audience

Soundboard + Sennheiser MKH-8040s > Edirol R-44 (Oade Concert Mod) > 2 x 24bit 48kHz wav files > Soundforge (level adjustments, mixdown, set fades) > CDWave 1.95 (tracking) > TLH > flac (320 MP3 and tagging via Foobar)

Recorded and Produced
by nyctaper

[Total Time 27:55]
01 Lee Ranaldo-Tim Barnes Duo

Support Lee Ranaldo: Website | FacebookBuy Lee Ranaldo and the Dust records from Matador


Lee Ranaldo: November 13, 2015 Trans-Pecos

November 16, 2015

Layer 3CM2
[photo by Fred Riedel]

Over the years, we’ve seen Lee Ranaldo and his backing band, The Dust, in a variety of settings. Most have been small clubs, but this Trans-Pecos performance is the most intimate of all not because of its setting but due to the intimate format of the acoustic set. Though billed as a solo gig from Ranaldo, it turned out he brought along Dust-bandmates Alan Licht (who we caught doing his own solo set over the summer) and Raul Fernandez. Nearly every song is accompanied by a contextualizing story that illustrates just how personal each of these songs is for Ranaldo. Four new songs join the well-known tracks off Between the Times & the Tides and Last Night on Earth, followed by a rousing cover of Neil Young’s “Revolution Blues” in celebration of Neil’s recent birthday. That cover underscores the similarities between Ranaldo and Young, both guitar-weilding storytellers who effortlessly pull off the roar and the quiet, sometimes simultaneously.

This show wraps up Lee’s U.S. tour, but he has some upcoming dates in Europe. Those are listed here.

I recorded this set with the AKG’s set up at the lip of the stage, combined with a board feed from Pecos FOH, Chris. The results are excellent. Enjoy!

Download the complete show: [MP3] | [FLAC]

Stream the complete show:

Lee Ranaldo
Queens, NY

Exclusive download hosted at
Recorded and produced by Eric PH

Soundboard (engineer: Chris) + AKG C480B/CK61 (stage lip) > Roland R-26 > 2xWAV (24/48) > Adobe Audition CC (align, compression, mixdown, normalize) > Izotope Ozone 5 (EQ) > Audacity 2.0.5 (fades, downsample, dither, tracking, tagging) > FLAC (16/44.1, level 8)

Tracks [1:30:58]
01. Let’s Start Again
02. Right as Rain
03. [tech break]
04. [new song]
05. Off the Wall
06. Key/Hole
07. [banter]
08. Skeleton
09. Xtina as I Knew Her
10. Home Chds
11. Ambulancer
12. The Rising Tide
13. Lecce, Leaving
14. Revolution Blues [Neil Young]

Support Lee Ranaldo: Website | FacebookBuy Lee Ranaldo and the Dust records from Matador

Alan Licht: August 2, 2015 Union Pool – FLAC/MP3/Streaming

August 20, 2015


There are any number of ways that a fan of the New York underground scene might have run across the guitarist Alan Licht. Along with an extensive discography of his own, Licht has also played a key role in several bands, including the Blue Humans, Love Child, and Run On. Most recently, Licht has appeared as a member of Lee Ranaldo and the Dust. Now, he’s readying a new solo album, which he was kind enough to share a majority of with this group of fans at Union Pool. Compared to some of Licht’s more drone and minimalist work, these compositions, like leadoff track “Riding On the S’s” and “Raw Deal” in particular, show the influence of the recent work with Ranaldo. They have an urgent, narrative feel to them, to the point that you almost feel compelled to throw your own lyrics into them at points. This was the songs’ first exposure to a public audience, and it seems likely that they’ll see some further evolution before the final versions are laid down on the record (one of them, after all, still lacks a title). But even in these raw, new forms, Licht showed a clear vision for and command of them, leading me to believe that new record is going to be a must-have.

I recorded this set with a soundboard feed from engineer Kevin Mazzarelli, combined with Schoeps MK41V microphones. The sound quality is excellent. Enjoy!

Thanks to Jeff Conklin for arranging the show and permission to record Alan’s set.

Download the complete set: [MP3] | [FLAC]

Stream the complete set:

Alan Licht
Union Pool
Brooklyn, NY USA

Exclusive download hosted at
Recorded and produced by acidjack

Soundboard (engineer: Kevin Mazzarelli) + Schoeps MK41V (PAS)>KCY>Z-PFA>>Edirol R-44>24bit/48kHz WAV>Adobe Audition CS 5.5 (fades, noise reduction on SBD)>Izotope Ozone 5 (EQ, effects, imaging)>Audacity 2.0.3 (fades, tracking, amplify, balance, downsample, dither)>FLAC ( level 8 )

01 Riding on the S’s
02 First Love, Haleema
03 Raw Deal
04 Currents
05 Every Little Yacht
06 Untitled
07 (Them’s the) Breaks

If you enjoyed this recording, you can buy all of Alan Licht’s records through the links available on Discogs

Lee Ranaldo and the Dust: April 24, 2014 Union Pool – FLAC/MP3/Streaming

June 9, 2014

Lee Ranaldo 1
[photos by hiandlo]

We like to think we have a special relationship to Lee Ranaldo’s solo career here at NYCTaper. We recorded the first few of his local solo shows back in 2011, and have been there for many more NYC-area gigs moving forward. We have captured live versions of pretty much all of his two excellent solo albums, some really neat covers, and an occasional look back at his Sonic Youth material. But through it all, the quality has been consistent — Lee is a pro with a fertile musical imagination, a penchant for picking superb collaborators, and unique guitar skills. At this Union Pool show a few weeks back, we were fortunate to catch all of this and more. Lee worked through most of the latest album Last Night on Earth (Matador Records) of which we streaming show-stopper “Ambulancer”, and from his eclectic bag of covers, Lee played a faithful cover of proto post-punk legends Wire, this one from their debut album Pink Flag. “Mannequin” is streaming below.

This set was recorded in our usual manner in this venue, this time with the AKG’s attached to the balcony rail and mixed with an excellent board feed. The sound quality is superb. Enjoy!

Stream “Ambulancer”

Stream “Mannequin” (Wire cover):

Download The Complete Show [MP3] / [FLAC]

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

Lee Ranaldo
Union Pool
Brooklyn, NY, US

Recordist : hi and lo
Source : Soundboard + AKG CK61 (DIN) > Naiant Active > Naiant PFA > E.A.A. PSP-2 >> Sound Devices 744T @ 24 bit / 48 kHz
Edit : WaveLab V6 (mixdown/eq/gain/fades/dither/resampling)
Encoding : FLAC v1.2.1 Level 8 with TLH v2.6.0


01. Key/Hole
02. Lecce, Leaving
03. Everybody’s Been Burned [David Crosby]
04. Last Night on Earth
05. Angles
06. Home Chds
07. The Rising Tide
08. Late Descent #2
09. Stranded
10. Ambulancer
11. Xtina as I Knew Her
12. (Encore Call)
13. Mannequin [Wire]
14. Blackt Out

Running Time: 1:30:48

If you download this recording from NYCTaper, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Lee Ranaldo, visit his website, and purchase their album Last Night on Earth [HERE].

Lee Ranaldo 2

Lee Ranaldo and The Dust: January 11, 2014 Bell House – Flac/MP3/Streaming

January 16, 2014

Lee at Bell House
[photo by Kevin Bannon]

The last time we checked in with Lee Ranaldo, he played the penultimate show in the history of Maxwell’s. At that point, Lee had a series of new songs that would eventually appear on his second post-Sonic Youth album Last Night on Earth which was ultimately released in October. Like its predecessor 2102’s Between the Times and the Tides, Last Night is a mature, honest and straightforward rock album. For the new album and the tours of 2013, Lee has credited his band “The Dust” which currently consists of downtown guitar wiz Alan Licht, bassist Tim Lüntzel and Sonic Youth drummer Steve Shelley. At the Bell House on Saturday night, Lee and the band played a lengthy set to a energetic crowd. All nine tracks of the new album were performed in the set along with selected older tracks and three interesting covers. It was the last night of the tour and Lee referenced the difficulties of a broken amp and a series of broken strings. But the band persevered and produced 100 minutes of outstanding music that was both tight and also offered a chance for the band to stretch out and jam. Lee Ranaldo and The Dust will appear again in NYC at the Union Pool on February 13.

I recorded this set with the Sennheiser cards mounted in the raised VIP area and mixed with an excellent board engineered by Lee’s tour FOH Jay Eigenmann. The sound quality is superb. Enjoy!

Stream “Lecce Leaving”:

Stream “Everybody’s Been Burned” (Byrds cover):

Download the Complete show [MP3] / [FLAC]

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

Lee Ranaldo and The Dust
Bell House
Brooklyn, NY USA

Digital Master Recording
Soundboard + Audience Matrix

Soundboard (engineer Jay) + Sennheiser MKH-8040s > Edirol R-44 (Oade Concert Mod) > 24bit 48kHz wav file > Soundforge (level adjustments, set fades, downsample) > CDWave 1.95 > (tracking) > TLH > flac (320 MP3 and Tagging via Foobar)

Recorded and Produced
by nyctaper

[Total Time 1:37:49]
01 KeyHole
02 Last Night On Earth
03 Lecce Leaving
04 By the Window
05 Ambulancer
06 Home Chds
07 [The Rising Tide intro]
08 The Rising Tide
09 Off The Wall
10 Angles
11 Late Descent
12 Everybody’s Been Burned [Byrds]
13 [banter – thanks]
14 Xtina as I Knew Her
15 [encore break]
16 Fragile [Wire]
17 Mannequin [Wire]
18 Blackt Out

If you download this recording from NYCTaper we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Lee Ranaldo, visit his page at the Sonic Youth website, and purchase Last Night On Earth directly from the Matador Records website [HERE].

Lee Ranaldo: July 30, 2013 Maxwell’s – Flac/MP3/Streaming

August 6, 2013

[Photo courtesy of Kenneth Bachor]

Since the apparent demise of his longtime band, Lee Ranaldo has been hard at work forging ahead with his solo career. Although last year’s Matador release Between the Times and the Tides certainly was not a “debut” album for Lee, it represented his first post Sonic Youth work and was a very strong “start”. We were present for two early gigs in support of the album, months before its release and while the band was certainly strong, there was perhaps a bit of trepidation about the new format. A year later, in the same venue as one of those early shows (Maxwells), Lee and the band (now called The Dust) were anything but shy — this is a powerful confident quartet performing material that has been fully developed live. As this night was the final regularly scheduled gig in the history of Maxwell’s, there was a weird kind of celebratory doom energy in the room which Lee likened to an “Irish wake”. After the gig opened with a wedding proposal from one former Maxwell’s employee to another, the band seemed to play off the weird energy and played with a sense of urgency and purpose. Lee and the Dust basically played their entire current catalog in a show that approached two hours. The setlist included the entire Time and Tides album, four new songs, one of Lee’s Sonic Youth tracks, and a handful of eclectic and excellent covers. At the conclusion of this night, I broke down my equipment, said thanks to the people involved in the venue, and walked out of Maxwell’s for the last time. The sadness of that exit overshadowed what I realize now — that Lee Ranaldo had closed Maxwell’s for me with one of the best shows we’ve seen all year.

I recorded this show in the way we’ve done for the many years we recorded at this venue and the sound is superb. Enjoy!

Stream “Lost”:

Stream “Revolution Blues” (Neil Young cover):

Download the Complete show [MP3] / [FLAC]

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

Lee Ranaldo
Hoboken NJ

Digital Master Recording
Soundboard + Audience Matrix

Soundboard + Neumann TLM-102s > Edirol R-44 (Oade Concert Mod) > 2 x 24bit 48kHz wav files > Soundforge (level adjustments, mixdown, set fades) > CDWave 1.95 (tracking) > TLH > flac (320 MP3 and tagging via Foobar)

Recorded and Produced
by nyctaper 2013-08-03

[Total Time 1:45:23]
01 [intro/wedding proposal]
02 Stranded
03 Waiting on a Dream
04 [banter – irish wake]
05 Tomorrow Never Comes
06 Off The Wall
07 Angles
08 [Xtina intro]
09 Xtina as I Knew Her
10 Keyhole
11 Hammer Blows
12 Lost
13 [Shouts intro]
14 Shouts
15 Last Night on Earth
16 Everybody’s Been Burned [Byrds]
17 Thank You For Sending Me an Angel [Talking Heads]
18 Fire Island
19 She Cracked [Modern Lovers]
20 Lecce Leaving
21 [encore break]
22 Home Courts
23 Genetic
24 Revolution Blues [Neil Young]

If you download this recording from NYCTaper we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Lee Ranaldo, visit his page at the Sonic Youth website, and purchase Between The Times and The Tides directly from the Matador Records website [HERE].

Dinosaur Jr.: December 1, 2012 Terminal 5 – FLAC / MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs

December 7, 2012

[Photos courtesy of Dana (distortion) Yavin.  See more of her excellent work HERE.]

Here at NYCTaper, we have a special place in our hearts for Dinosaur Jr. Not only do they make outstanding music and have chops second to none but they have long supported the taping community, making several appearances on this website including one of the first recordings posted here. We were particularly ecstatic when the original lineup of J Mascis, Lou Barlow and Murph reunited in 2005 and have since released three superb albums. In the interim, we have done our best to capture as many of their concerts as we can but none of us grasped the full extent of what we were in for when they announced this celebratory show marking the 25th anniversary of the seminal and influential ‘You’re Living All Over Me‘ album. In addition to playing the disc in its entirety, allusions were made to many other tracks and “special friends” making an appearance. We wound up being clobbered with a setlist and guest lineup worthy of an alt/indie-rock uber fan’s wet dream: Lee Ranaldo and Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth, Frank Black from the Pixies, Johnny Marr of The Smiths, Dale Crover from the Melvins, Tommy Stinson of The Replacements, Kyle Spence from Harvey Milk, Kurt Vile, Al Cisneros from Sleep, Kevin Drew of Broken Social Scene, Suzanne Thorpe of Mercury Rev, Don Fleming, Dante Ferrando, John Petkovic and Fred Armisen. On a night with more highlights and jaw-dropping performances than one can count, there was a wonderful interplay between all the artists and a realization by the crowd that this concert was to be savored. Thank you J, Lou and Murph for the awesome holiday gift you honored us with. It was an extraordinary way to begin drawing this year to a close.

Thanks to Dinosaur Jr.’s management and the team at Terminal 5, we were given the opportunity to set up and record from the dead-center spot towards the back of the floor. With such an ideal location, acidjack and I ran three distinctly different microphone configurations in an effort to ensure the best possible recording we could make: Milab VM-44 Links (DIN) and AKG C 414 B-XLS’s in both Blumlein and M/S configurations. The results are uniformly excellent so we are offering all three sources for download. We certainly hope you like what you hear as much as we did. Enjoy!

Special thanks to Dinosaur Jr., Brian Schwartz and Daniel Mapp for making this recording possible, and to Mike and the staff at Terminal 5 for their courtesy and cooperation.

Stream “Tarpit” (Source 1): 


Stream “Alone” (Source 2): 


Stream “Don’t” (Source 3): 


Source 1: Milab VM-44 Link (DIN)
Direct download of the complete show in MP3 [HERE]
Direct download of the complete show in FLAC [HERE]

Source 2: AKG C 414 B-XLS (Blumlein)
Direct download of the complete show in MP3 [HERE]
Direct download of the complete show in FLAC [HERE]

Source 3: AKG C 414 B-XLS (M/S)
Direct download of the complete show in MP3 [HERE]
Direct download of the complete show in FLAC [HERE]

If any of the links are no longer working, email nyctaper with a request for the download location of the files.

Follow Johnny Fried Chicken Boy on Twitter

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense.  The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission.  Please respect our request.

Dinosaur Jr.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Terminal 5
New York, NY, USA
(opener: Kurt Vile and the Violators)

Source 1: AUD > Milab VM-44 Links (cardioid DIN) > Edirol R-44 (WAV @ 24-bit/48kHz)
Source 2: AUD > AKG C 414 B-XLS’s (Blumlein) > Edirol R-44 (WAV @ 24-bit/48kHz)
Lineage for Sources 1&2: R-44 > PC > Adobe Audition (mixdown, downsample, dither, tracking) > WAV (16-bit/44.1kHz) > TLH (check/fix SBE’s, FLAC conversion) > FLAC ( level 8 )

Source 3: AUD > AKG C 414 B-XLS (FOB, DFC, M/S) > Sound Devices USBPre2 > Edirol R-44 [OCM] > 24bit/48kHz WAV > Izotope Ozone 5 (EQ, exciter) > Adobe Audition CS 5.5 (decode M/S, adjust levels) > Audacity 3.0 (set fades, tracking, amplify, balance, downsample) > FLAC ( level 8 )

Recorded and produced by: acidjack and Johnny Fried Chicken Boy

[Total time: 2:17:43]
01. [intro]
02. Thumb [Suzanne Thorpe (flute)]
03. Little Fury Things [Lee Ranaldo (additional vocals)]
04. Kracked
05. Sludgefeast
06. The Lung
07. [banter]
08. Raisans
09. Tarpit
10. In a Jar
11. Lose
12. [banter]
13. Poledo
14. [banter]
15. Almost Fare [Frank Black (vocals/additional guitar)]
16. [banter]
17. Tame [Pixies] [Frank Black (vocals/additional guitar), Kyle Spence (drums)]
18. [banter]
19. Alone [Kurt Vile (additional guitar), Al Cisneros (bass), Kyle Spence (drums)]
20. [banter]
21. Don’t Pretend You Didn’t Know
22. Watch the Corners
23. [banter]
24. The Wagon [Kevin Drew (vocals), Johnny Marr (additional guitar)]
25. The Boy with the Thorn in His Side [The Smiths] [Johnny Marr (additional guitar), Dale Crover (drums)]
26. Training Ground [Deep Wound] [Dale Crover (drums)]
27. tuning > jam
28. Gargoyle [Al Cisneros (bass)]
29. Crucified [Iron Cross] [Don Fleming (vocals), Dante Ferrando (drums), Graham Clise (additional guitar)]
30. Don’t [Kim Gordon (vocals), Don Fleming (additional guitar)]
31. [encore break]
32. T.V. Eye [The Stooges] [John Petkovic (vocals), Tommy Stinson (bass), Fred Armisen (drums)]
33. Start Choppin’ [Kevin Drew (additional vocals)]
34. Freak Scene

If you download this recording, we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Dinosaur Jr., visit their website, visit their Facebook and MySpace pages, and purchase their official releases and merchandise [HERE], at Amazon and at iTunes.

Lee Ranaldo: July 28, 2012 Brewery Ommegang – Flac and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Song

August 5, 2012

[photo by Andrew Lowden]

The embarrassment of riches that was our trip to Cooperstown was further enhanced by the quality of the support band, someone quite familiar to NYCTaper, Lee Ranaldo. Back in December, we recorded a couple of the earliest performances of Lee’s new band (Glasslands and Maxwells), but since he’s literally been touring the world since then, we had not seen Lee since those early shows. At Ommegang, his set began while the sun was still shining, and the forty-five minute set of material from Lee’s excellent new album Between the Times and the Tides seemed to fit the scene perfectly. Of course, the abundant availability of Belgian ales didn’t detract from the enjoyment, but this was still a special set. Lee’s band was joined for a couple of songs by Wilco’s keyboardist Pat Sansone, and for almost the entire set by Nels Cline. This intense version of “Xtina As I Knew Her” was supplemented by Nels’ signature guitar style, and we are streaming it below. Lee Ranaldo will return to NYC from the just-completed Wilco tour for a performance at ATP on Pier 36, on September 21.

Of the six NYCTaper rigs running for this set, we chose to mix my Sennheiser 8040 Cardioids with Acidjack’s AKG C 414’s in the omni setting. The mix gives a nice clear signal while also capturing the full soundstage and that “outdoor feel”. While our distance from the sound source (90 feet) was not optimal, this recording nevertheless provides a true “you were there” experience. Enjoy!

Stream “Xtina As I Knew Her”:

Direct download of complete show in MP3 files (HERE)

Direct download location of the FLAC files (HERE).

Note: All of the material on this site is offered with artist permission, free to fans, at our expense. The only thing we ask is that you download the material directly from this site, rather than re-posting the direct links or the files on other sites without our permission. Please respect our request.

Lee Ranaldo
Brewery Ommegang
Cooperstown, NY USA

Four-Track Digital Master Recording
Recorded from Front of Soundboard Tent

Sennheiser MKH-8040 Cardioids + AKG C 414 B-XLS (Omni Setting) > Edirol R-44 (Oade Concert Mod) > 2x 24bit 48kHz wav files > Soundforge (level adjustments, EQ, mixdown, set fades) > CDWave 1.95 (tracking) > TLH > flac (320 MP3 and Tagging via Foobar)

Recorded and Produced
by nyctaper and acidjack

[Total Time 43:46]
01 [introduction]
02 Off The Wall
03 Angles
04 Waiting On A Dream
05 Tomorrow Never Comes
06 [Xtina intro]
07 Xtina As I Knew Her
08 Hammer Blows
09 Stranded
10 Fire Island (Phases)

If you download these recordings from NYCTaper we expect that you will PLEASE SUPPORT Lee Ranaldo, visit his page at the Sonic Youth website, and purchase Between The Times and The Tides directly from the Matador Records website [HERE].


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All recordings and original content posted on this site are as live recordings pursuant to 17 U.S.C. Section 106, et. seq. Redistribution of nyctaper recordings without consent of is strictly prohibited. hereby waives all copyright claims to any and all recordings posted on this site to THE PERFORMERS ONLY. If any artist posted on this site requests that recordings be removed, those recordings will be removed forthwith.